Yanni and the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) have an enduring connection starting with the early years in his career as an international concert musician. The American PBS stations aired Yanni’s live concert events in historic locations like Live at the Acropolis in Athens, Greece, Tribute concert in India, and Live at Royal Albert Hall in London England.
This new Yanni concert is a PBS program of Yanni and his orchestra performing at the 16th-century Castillo San Felipe del Morro in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Like past PBS concerts, a DVD and CD of this historic concert event is now available at Yanni.com.
PBS stations nationwide will begin airing the Yanni concert performance beginning March 3, 2012, with the opportunity for you to see the recorded live PBS concert. You can check your local PBS station schedule for your area programing date and time.
The PBS televised concert is around one and a half hours long, and features several new songs, along with favorite songs by Yanni. The songs performed during the event are; Santorini, Felitsa, Voyage, The End of August, The Rain Must Fall, Nightingale, Acroyali, Marching Season, Standing in Motion, Nostalgia, The Storm, One Man’s Dream.
Visit Yanni.com for information and PBS concert program listings in your area. Photo is courtesy Yanni.com.