Alvaro Villa André from Tarragona, Spain is the site host for The Music Explorer, a music blog devoted to all fans of New Age, Chill Out, Ambient, Electronic, Trance, Ethnic, Instrumental music styles. In addition to hosting The Music Explorer, Alvaro composes music. Recently he composed his fifth track titled Avaherz – In Space I believe.
Composing music in the style of legendary German artists like Tangerine Dream and Kraftwerk, he uses composer software called Magix Music Maker, which enables him to compose his own music version with sound samples. His video is shown below, and I would also like to take a minute to tell you about my good friend from Spain.
Alvaro Villa André had to overcome some obstacles early in life, but his physical handicap called Cerebral Paralysis has not been a deterrent to living a happy and normal life. Like anyone with disabilities knows, these obstacles can be overcome!
Earlier while living in Germany for thirteen years with his parents, he discovered New Age and Adult Alternative music for the first time. Artists like Tangerine Dream, Kraftwerk, and Mike Oldfield’s Crisis album were some of his closest influences. Later on he began to discover many more great influential artists including Suzanne Ciani, Patrick O’Hearn and Grammy Award winner Will Ackermann.
In the 1990’s Alvaro Villa André began dance instruction at the Contemporary Ballet Group in Galicia Spain, and later began to teach and give classes in Contemporary Ballet to young adults with physical handicaps which became a rewarding experience. From 1999 to 2001 he was involved with a local radio station in Cataluña Spain called Music Explorer. There he wrote the program commentaries about various artists, and chose the song playlist for the radio station.
In 2008 he began to publish news articles at Futbol in Spain ( where he wrote about soccer statistics. In 2010 he began combining his own poetic and literary writing about New Age Music, and began to publish Las Cronicas de Avaherz/ The Chronicles of Avaherz ( which featured his articles about New Age YouTube videos. This led to his decision to host a music blog of his own and publish New Age, World music and similar style music videos.
The name Alvaro chose was The Music Explorer. Today he lives with his wife in Tarragona, Spain. Alvaro has been a great help to me and the artist I cover since he has posted many Music World video articles and has space reserved for my site including my site banner and RSS feed.
The New Age Music World artists featured at The Music Explorer include; Coburn Tuller, David Clavijo, 2002, Spencer Stanley, Louis Colaiannia, Jon Anderson, Jose Luis Serrano Esteban, Asher Quinn, Blackmore’s Night, Uwe Gronau, Matthew Schoening, Kathryn Kaye, Marc Enfroy and Yanni. There are also articles about Suzanne Doucet’s New Age Music Circle and the ZMR Album Awards in 2010. On behalf of the artists I represent and myself, Thank You Alvaro Villa André!
Note: This site is down for undetermined length of time. Find music news on my article titled: New Age Music Blog.